Random Useless Info

This site contains a lot of random data and pictures that one person or another I know was interested in. Some of it may actually be interesting to someone else such as the gasoline price history, Trinity Site radiation contours or Space Shuttle reentry photos.

Gasoline price history - This area contains a history of gasoline prices in parts of Texas for the past 43 years based on what I paid at the pump. Most recent tank: September 9, 2024.
1979 Chevrolet Corvette Info - Contains pictures taken when the car was new that may be useful to restorers plus a complete history of its gasoline usage. Last modified February 18, 2006.
BMW 318ti performance, fuel economy info, repair history and interior temperatures - Includes fuel economy data over the life of my 318ti including how speed affects the mileage. Also includes some performance data measured with a homemade accelerometer, a list of the repairs the car has needed since I bought it and some plots showing just how hot the car got inside on a sunny day. Latest data: December 20, 2015.
Alfa Romeo 4C fuel economy and service data - Includes fuel economy data over the life of my current car plus records of regular maintenance and repairs. Latest data: February 2, 2024.
Car tire wear rate - Measurement of the wear rate of the tires on my 318ti. Latest data: July 30, 2011.
My Radioactive Vacation - Radiation contours and pictures from Trinity Site (where the US exploded the World's first atomic bomb in 1945) and elsewhere on my 1998 vacation. Last updated May 6, 2006.
Gamma-Ray Spectra - An attempt at measuring the gamma-ray spectra of common radioactive household products. Last updated September 12, 2004.
Space Shuttle Reentry Pictures/Sonic booms - Photos taken of the reentry of STS-51, STS-82, STS-93 and STS-103 as seen from the southern edge of Houston, Texas plus recordings of the STS-105 and STS-116 sonic booms. Last updated December 31, 2006.
Local Light Pollution Contours - Plots of light pollution in the Santa Fe and Clear Lake City areas of Galveston and Harris county, Texas. Latest update: March 5, 2006.
Hurricane Rita evacuation - Data from an unpleasant 19 hour drive to avoid a hurricane in 2005. Last update: September 26, 2005.
Hurricane Ike data - Measurements of wind speed and direction plus barometric pressure during Hurricane Ike in September, 2008. Last update: November 12, 2008.
Not of general interest/outdated: League City, Texas weather data - Weather data recorded with an amateur weather station in League City, Texas. Includes a description of the hardware and software used. The instrument itself wasn't reliable and died for good in 2008.
Computer noise - Noise distribution in my bedroom with the computer running. Last updated November 11, 2002.
CCD Images - Here's some ancient pics. Last updated August 23, 2017.
Gnome site aerial shots - Last updated February 20, 2001.
Sierra Madera Meteor Crater - Last updated May 29, 2001.
Thermochron and Hygro iButton data - Last updated July 13, 2001.
GPS data - Last updated January 1, 2008.
Macintosh Freeware - Download a couple of things I wrote long ago. Last updated April 6, 1996.
Miscellaneous - Really

Latest data: September 9, 2024